Saturday, December 13, 2008

Courtesy - or Discourtesy

Due to the home purchase I'm obviously moving out of my rental. Because the place I'm in now is in a better part of town and is a private condo the rental is actually posted with the real estate sites and is often shown by realtors. I arranged with the current landlord to be sure that they only show the rental on appointment, because between my fiance and I someone is always home, and with our large dog (and the fact that we're moving) we want to be able to prepare to show the rental.

Which leads me to my rant. Last weekend on Saturday morning we were out dropping our recycling off at the recycling center, which is a good 6+ miles from the rental, but much closer to our new place. We were on the way home when I got a phone call from the management company that handles the rental for the condo. A realtor wanted to show our condo in an hour. Due to the fact we were already on the way home and the house wasn't in bad condition I agreed, an hour should be enough time to get it ship-shape. We got home and promptly got to work cleaning up the bits that needed work, 30 minutes later the door buzzed, which drove my dog through the roof. We had been planning on having her out of the house at the time they were to arrive to limit disturbances, instead they showed half an hour early. The house was NOT in the best shape, I was fighting the dog to get her out of the way, and it was all a mess.

Fast forward to last night. We received a call yesterday evening requesting a showing this morning "between 11:30 and 12:00". I agreed because we could CERTAINLY have the house ready to show and the dog out of the way with that kind of warning. We got the house cleaned up (no small feat when you're moving, so much clutter) to where there are only a few understandable piles of boxes. The dog was taken out by my fiance to the new house to keep her out of the way during the showing. I stuck around and did some final touching up and to be prepared to let the realtor and whomever in to show the house. It is now 12:40 and NO ONE has showed, my fiance is on his way home with the dog.

When did it become acceptable to show up 30 minutes early for an appointment to view someone's HOME? And when the HELL did it become acceptable to just BLOW OFF a similar appointment? I wasn't looking forward to showing a place I'm trying to move out of to begin with, but with the only 2 experiences I've had so far being so inconsiderate as to NOT keep appointments it makes my discomfort with the thought that much more acute. Whatever happened to common courtesy, the obligation to call someone when plans change, and to be sure to do your best NOT to disrupt someone else's life just because you want to do something? There are lots of situations where people disregard common courtesy, but I feel that none is more RUDE than when you're viewing someone else's HOME. We still live here and are already disrupting our lives to show you the place. PLEASE do not put us out further by blowing off or changing your appointment without warning, it's incredibly inconsiderate. I can't wait until we get moved into our own place and don't have to worry about this shit any longer.

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